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vb. (en-archaic second-person singular of: burn)

Usage examples of "burnest".

M Ost sacred fire, that burnest mightilyIn liuing brests, ykindled first aboue,Emongst th'eternall spheres and lamping sky,And thence pourd into men, which men call Loue.

For he loves Thee too little who loves aught with Thee, which he loves not for Thee, 804 O love, who ever burnest, and art never quenched!

But to love me is better than all things: if under the night-stars in the desert thou presently burnest mine incense before me, invoking me with a pure heart, and the Serpent flame therein, thou shalt come a little to lie in my bosom.

Yet tell the reason, why thou art not loth To leave that ample space, where to return Thou burnest, for this centre here beneath.