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n. (plural of bunker English)

Usage examples of "bunkers".

The corporations would build ten very large underground bunkers that could withstand nuclear attack and maybe even a square-on asteroid hit.

Phoenix, and the other bunkers like this across the Free World, we will preserve the seeds of humanity.

Very soon the largest bunkers became visible, hulking black-on-black out of the stygian darkness.

They peeled off, two to one side, two to the other, and headed for the rear of those bunkers that still fought.

As more of the defenders obeyed the commands of the Marines and opened up on the attackers, the rate of fire from the bunkers increased despite those no longer in the fight.

The low humps that were the second line of bunkers were just out of range.

He shouted more orders, and his six remaining Fighters began spraying two by two at three of the bunkers in the second line.

The Over Master in command of the raid reported more than thirty bunkers killed, at least six of which held Earthman Marines.

Seconds later high-pitched buzz saw whines came from beyond the perimeter and things with speeds too great to be deflected by the slanted faces of the reinforced ferrocrete bunkers shattered against them, gouting holes in their surfaces, sending chips flying, and raising dense clouds of dust.

More of the buzz saw guns opened fire, not at the bunkers, but on the ridge and hillsides in front of them.

One command halted the fire against the bunkers, began the withdrawal of those weapons, and led the ten thousand Fighters who were just short of the heights--still undetected by the dazed and blinded defenders--to close the final gap and begin their killing.

They jammed the nozzles of their acid guns into the apertures of the shattered and cracked bunkers and let them spray.

The stunning, ear-ringing quiet that fell when the Skinks stopped battering the bunkers lasted only seconds.

But shells from those guns also hit bunkers already weakened by the Skink fire and collapsed them, wounding or killing the defenders inside.

There were photo bunkers with spring-forced steel jaws that would snap shut before rocketing debris reached the cameras inside.