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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bull terrier \Bull" ter`ri*er\, bullterrier \bull"ter`rier\(b[.u]l" t[e^]r`r[i^]*[~e]r). (Zo["o]l.) A breed of short-haired terrier dogs originated in England by crossing the bulldog and the terrier.


n. a powerful short-haired terrier originated in England by crossing the bulldog with terriers [syn: bull terrier]

Usage examples of "bullterrier".

He reached into his car and came out with a lovely little bullterrier, just like Groucho, only a puppy, and maybe a few shades darker.

A lady in Gloucester who liked bullterrier crossbreeds wrote to say she might adopt me.

Some ineffectual snorting sounds came from their master, a middle-aged man with a basin-cut hairdo and a face like a cliffside, who apparently thought he was controlling his charges when finally one lay and the other sat tensely, both with snarls locked in their throats, the bullterrier with teeth bared at a calico cat a youngish couple had wedged between them.

She entirely ignored the yowlings for her blood her entrance had effected in the Alsatian and the bullterrier as she marched up to the desk.