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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bullfight \Bull"fight`\, Bullfighting \Bull"fight`ing\, n. a sport of great antiquity, in which men torment, and fight with, a bull or bulls in an arena, for public amusement, -- still popular in Spain, Portugal and Latin American. In the Spanish version a matador kills the bull with a sword after the bull has been weakened by wounds from small barbed rods, and after he has displayed courage and artistic skill in causing the bull to charge many times while he stands still or nearly still. In some versions the bull is not killed. Occasionally the matador is wounded or killed by the bull. -- Bull"fight`er, n.

Syn: corrida.


n. one who engages in bullfighting; a toreador or matador.


n. someone who fights bulls [syn: toreador]

Usage examples of "bullfighter".

Gina Lollobrigida and Cantinflas and Ordonez the bullfighter and of course the royals.

Fergus, perhaps the only bullfighter ever to be gored in the brain, died silently.

Then he looked at his ticket, on which the names of the bullfighters were printed.

Connely with that look of alert concentration seen on bullfighters, duelists, and cats springing for mice.

This captain was disdainful, confident with a cool carriage, the manner Luis considered best for soldiers and bullfighters.

Shellabarger turned halfway like a bullfighter tempting a charge and the venator swiveled with blinding speed, driving up against the cage, cramming the side of his head against the bars and pushing his forelimbs between, clawed dactyls spread.

But if you're the greatest bullfighter around, what makes you think you're gonna lose?

MacIntyre, a powerfully-built man with heavy brows and light-blue eyes of unusual brilliance, watched Connely with that look of alert concentration seen on bullfighters, duelists, and cats springing for mice.

He was a great annoyer of girls, and he was a coward, and he had always wished to be an amateur bullfighter.

Atop the interwoven and intricate coiffure of cream-blonde hair was perched at a perfect straightness a wide-brimmed, white bullfighter hat of straw in a fine weave, with white ball fringe dangling all the way around the rim.

Mex bullfighters just plain refuse to face a Texas longhorn in the ring, even for extra prize money.