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  1. adj. obstinate and stupid [syn: bullheaded, pigheaded]

  2. having a small round head

Usage examples of "bullet-headed".

More of a small bullet-headed Gaul than a bony longheaded Frank, which meant nothing either.

A delivery van bearing the name of his shirtmaker had already arrived at the front entrance of the hotel, but he had seen nothing of the bullet-headed boxer in sunglasses or of the 1950 vintage American tourist.

Constantine saw only one threat to his bid to dominate British racing, and that was a bullet-headed Yorkshireman with no social graces, a huge mail-order business, and the luck of the devil with horses.

Valencia was the bullet-headed, bare-chested maniac who hung from a speeding Audi and fired a submachine gun at rival coke peddlers on the Florida Turnpike Extension six years ago.

He burned with fury and summoned the Cag to him, lashing at the bullet-headed commander as soon as he appeared.

The bullet-headed specimen in its shirt-sleeves, unashamedly rubbing the sleep out of its eyes with two flabby fists, was obviously the torpescent and bibulous Bavarian who had spoken so yearningly of his bed.

Okami, a bald, bullet-headed man, had the round, jovial face of a benevolent dictator.

Outside stood the bereaved woman, and beside her a bullet-headed gentleman with a bowler hat on the back of his head, in whom Archie recognised the hotel detective.