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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ But on their return, Diana is already starting to look thin with evidence of what we now know was bulimia.
▪ Last month, the agency gave Lilly a preliminary approval to market it for bulimia.
▪ Often women with bulimia repeat past patterns of behaviour in current relationships.
▪ The higher figures came for such easy-to-call labels as bulimia and alcohol and drug dependence.
▪ Unlike anorexia nervosa, bulimia survives by disguise.
▪ We added one further session to summarise useful devices for coping with and overcoming bulimia.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bulimia \Bu*lim"i*a\ (b[u^]*l[i^]m"[i^]*[.a]), Bulimy \Bu"li*my\, n. [NL. bulimia, fr. Gr. boylimi`a, lit., ox-hunger; boy^s ox + limo`s hunger: cf. F. boulimie.]

  1. (Med.) A disease in which there is a perpetual and insatiable appetite for food; a diseased and voracious appetite.

  2. a disordered eating habit characterized by occasional episodes of excessive eating, followed by self-induced vomiting or abuse of laxatives, to avoid gaining weight; it is often accompanied by feelings of guilt; -- called also bulimia nervosa and binge-purge syndrome. It is observed mainly in young women of normal weight.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1976, Modern Latin, from Greek boulimia, "ravenous hunger" as a disease, literally "ox-hunger," from bou-, intensive prefix (originally from bous "ox;" see cow (n.)) + limos "hunger," from PIE root *leie- "to waste away." As a psychological disorder, technically bulemia nervosa. Englished bulimy was used from late 14c. in a medical sense of "ravishing hunger."


n. (label en pathology) A chronic eating disorder characterized by a binge-and-purge cycle - extreme overeating followed by self-induced vomiting.

  1. n. a disorder of eating seen among young women who go on eating binges and then feel guilt and depression and self-condemnation [syn: binge-eating syndrome]

  2. pathologically insatiable hunger (especially when caused by brain lesions)


Usage examples of "bulimia".

Harrison, who did not really meet her father until she was 20, takes the reader on a difficult journey into her loveless childhood, her bouts with anorexia and bulimia, and, eventually, the incestuous 4-year affair with her father.

Do narcissists also suffer from eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa or anorexia nervosa?

She had practiced bulimia for two miserable days, when she was thirteen, before deciding that daily volitional vomiting was worse than living two thirds of your life in stretchable ski pants, with a quiet fear of narrow doorways.

There is a chance that bingeing and/or very strict dieting can develop into Bulimia or Anorexia.

It is not uncommon with people who suffer from bulimia to use laxatives to purge themselves after bingeing.

Bulimia involves impulsive binge eating followed by harmful self-induced vomiting, laxative or diuretics use, and compulsive exercise.

Her entourage included a financier rumored to be her next husband, the Brazilian ambassador and his wife, and several celebrities from the chic American fashion world: Ironically, two of the models in the group appeared to suffer from anorexia nervosa m the flip side of bulimia, the nervous disorder that had plagued Diana for the previous dozen years.

Psychological and pharmacological treatments of bulimia nervosa: A research update.

But once you develop bulimia, and stick with it, even if you've started menstruating, you'll stop again.

I mean, the Count uses his victims like we just used these toilet bowls, right, only somehow he doesn't have to stick his finger down his throat, sort of like ectoplasmic bulimia, or like he's a cow, and we're his extra stomach.