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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
building contractor
▪ As a former building contractor, he had an eye for a sound investment in bricks and mortar.
▪ Contract complete: Specialist building contractor Hall & Tawse has completed another contact within cost and ahead of programme.
▪ Her father, Nicholas Bojaxhiu, was a building contractor.
▪ Perchance I was speaking by telephone this afternoon to a building contractor who specialises in this type of work.
▪ She and Joe Greenspun, a building contractor, married in Detroit in 1951.

Usage examples of "building contractor".

I went right back and put a call through to a building contractor we had never used.

Gummy Larson, a building contractor and a powerful friend of MacMurfee's, has been wanting the hospital contract for a long time.

A small grove of signs planted in the yard announced the names of the building contractor, the painting contractor, and the architect, though Mrs.

Charters had a client called Quinlon, a building contractor who'd made money illicitly through a deal with someone in the SDA.