vb. (context British English) (present participle of bugger up English)
Usage examples of "buggering up".
I've never taken a contract for some rucking barstid like Hitler or any other politician I thought was buggering up his country.
Besides, the telling relieved the tension she still felt at how close she had come to buggering up enough credit to ransom a planet.
And now, the Croyd buggering up and dealing jokers and Black Queens all over town, a big reaction is going on.
In fact it would have been made by now but for that bloody idiot Mortlake buggering up the Ponsonby thing.
First signs of it buggering up, she feared, remembering a frustrated few hours waiting for a locksmith on the doorstep of her former home in Blackheath, after she and her flatmates had concertedly ignored the ancient Chubb's progressive deterioration.