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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
I'm buggered/bugger me!
  1. (context slang English) broken; not properly functioning. v

  2. (en-past of: bugger)

Usage examples of "buggered".

Somehow blood was caused to flow during this period from the maid, Patricia, either because her courses had arrived or because, according to Donaldson, Accord had buggered her.

Could be his ex-wife Mags took it when she buggered off, although Christ knows why.

Then the bloke buggered off sharpish back to the sweatbox, leaving Kelly covered in his spare sheet.

I badgered you, and I bullied you, and I buggered you about something rotten.

Perhaps they had hitched their painted cannon to their ox teams, stowed the canister in its limbers and buggered off northwards?

They would have packed their few pots and pans and buggered off as soon as the first soldier appeared near their fields.

The Buggered Dream, he could call it, and he would charge army officers twice the real price for any drink.

And then, while crawling around on his knees in some ice-covered alley and racked with fits of projectile vomiting, he is grabbed by vicious cops and whipped on the shins with a night stick, then locked in the drunk tank of the local jail and buggered all night by winos.

Well, I heard about people waking up and findin' their friendly Igor had whipped out their brains in the middle of the night and buggered off to flog `em,' said the corporal, glaring at Igor.

It's been months since I got any new weapons and, let me tell you, since the dwarfs buggered off the steel we've been getting is crap anyway.

Buggered off to Cloudland with one of your lot, some guy she met on a lunar cruise.

It rattled the crystals of the new chandelier, it made the window panes vibrate, it caused the nose to drop off a toby jug on the mantelpiece, and if chaos theory is to be believed it buggered up the sprout crop in Upper Sumatra.