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budget for

v. calculate enough money for; provide for in the budget; "I have not budgeted for these expensive meals"

Usage examples of "budget for".

So although there's no money in the new budget for raises, a good many deserving officers will be getting more money when these promotions are okayed by the city manager.

This means it's going to be considerably tougher to get at that cielanite, for we don't have the energy budget for night mining.

They'll balance the budget for the first time since the patchouli boom after the War.

In fact, NSA's overall budget for 1995-1999 totaled $17,570,600,000.

I also asked for the restoration of health and disability benefits for legal immigrants, which the Republicans had cut off in 1996 to make room in the budget for their tax cuts.

Maybe I can coax her into letting us have a little bit of her budget for the extra sensor runs we're going to need if we collect her data at the same time.

By contract, the studio gets twenty-five percent of the budget for studio overhead, telephone bills, electricity, use of soundstages etc.

It would be difficult to get the half-billion-dollar budget for the ROC through Congress under any circumstances, more so if they bought foreign components.