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n. a carbon nanotube

Usage examples of "buckytube".

A buckytube is simply a buckyball with a long, winding spiral of hexagons between two half-buckyball end caps.

Doping them with compounds like tantalum carbide makes them into submicron-sized superconducting wires, and packing them with potassium-doped buckyballs achieves the same effect, and if the buckytube is sized properly to fit the buckyball such packing would probably also serve to increase their already phenomenal stiffness and boost their compressive strength as well.

I picked up the thin black buckytube rod and tried to flex it again, convincing myself of its reality.

He took me into the power systems lab where had a buckytube ring magnet set up, soaking in liquid nitrogen to make it superconduct to store power.

Most of that money would go to buy buckytube magnets built on earth, which would go to the manufacturing consortium I was setting up with Stanislaski, so a large chunk of that money would come back to my pocket where I could leverage it back into setting up the system.

I realized how much current I could put through a buckytube array, well, the sky is the limit as far as implosion pressure goes.

A factor which Watson overlooks in his enthusiasm for asteroid mining is that if buckytube composites can be made cheap enough to make a space elevator possible they will entirely replace steel as a structural material.

There is no theoretical limit on the length of a buckytube, although current techniques produce samples only a few microns long.

Even buckytube supermagnets are probably inadequate to this task, but a field too small to serve as an interstellar fuel scoop could still serve well as an unconfined magnetic particle shield.

Given the material properties of the buckytube components used in the story, this is a conservative estimate, and 5000T might not be out of the question.

Each of these spherical computers was linked to its four neighbors, north-east-southwest, by a bundle of flexible pushrods running down a flexible, evacuated buckytube, so that the page as a whole constituted a parallel computer made up of about a billion separate processors.

The buckytube lattice is being extended by nanobots, all around the circumference.

Injecting packets of crystal memory components and buckytube circuitry into subjects that had had sections of their brains removed.

If there was a transition between two buckytube geometries, there has to be a discontinuity, a weak link.

The controversy over gene-modified food reached its peak in the year 2010, when a breakthrough in the analysis of the functional capabilities of the ribosome made it possible for genetic engineers to construct an artificial gene to allow cows to grow bones reinforced with buckytube fibers.