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Crossword clues for bucktoothed


a. Having bucktooth

Usage examples of "bucktoothed".

Then the bucktoothed Irishwoman grinned-the eternal struggle between the two of them-sharing that .

If you will hark your mind back to that Edwards boy, that bucktoothed one that joined the Army - what was his name?

Where the handle should have been, the pointed visor jutted out, bucktoothed and blank.

See them in something ten years old and they looked ten years old themselves, bucktoothed with inbreeding.

Saul can’t help but grin when the man’s son, a bucktoothed boy with home-cut bangs, gets dinged out on MANICOTTI.

All the jokes we made up till last year about them being little bucktoothed guys with funny glasses flying planes made out of tinfoil and scrap iron—.