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bucks off

vb. (en-third-person singular of: buck off)

Usage examples of "bucks off".

One hamburger, two cups of coffee, at Howard Johnson's, let's say, and I can take fifty bucks off my income tax for a so-called investigation.

He had won five bucks off Tommy Carlo one time betting which movie Dean Martin was in.

You guys is makin' probably a coupla million bucks off us, so can't you let your best customers borrow an empty office for a coupla hours?

This has been a labor of love, but if we make a few bucks off the deal, it sure wouldn't hurt.

Maybe you ought to think about ff like that a little more often, 'fore you start haulin' hard-rkin' bucks off to the jailhouse for no reason at all.

LeBay had known that Arnie Cunningham was going to be the only person to shed a tear for him at his small-time graveside ceremonies in one of Western Pennsylvania's lesser-known boneyards, he might have knocked fifty bucks off the price of his shitty car.

Nex time she wouldn't have to buy coffee, and that would knock three bucks off the bill.

Maybe I see you as someone raking in bucks off frustrated housewives and bored executives.

I was just gonna make a few bucks off that interview with the Eye, then send him to Virginia, the way he wanted.

I'll take it to a guy can strip it down, maybe I'll get a couple bucks off it.

The author of this article retains full copyright of the material, while hereby granting full permission for it to be reprinted in any format whatsoever, with the provisos that his name be forever attached to it, the text of the document be forever unaltered, and if anyone manages to figure out how to make big bucks off of it, the below mentioned author wants a cut.

The disclosure wouldn't lop five bucks off Hattie's income, and her hide is so thick she's incapable of shame.

She accepted ten bucks off me with the negligent grace of habitual custom.