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bucket down

vb. (context idiomatic English) To rain heavily.

Usage examples of "bucket down".

He drops the well-bucket down the stone-sided well, holding to the rope, letting the heavy oak and iron splinter the surface ice.

He paused at the door to the basement steps, silently setting the heavy bucket down on the linoleum floor.

Morwen said, setting the bucket down a little to one side, where it would be handy but out of the immediate way.

Her heart was thumping heavily, but she moved past him, meaning to put the bucket down on the porch.

He set the bucket down and retrieved their halters from a nearby branch, then haltered both animals before removing their hobbles, remembering to hold firmly to their lead-ropes as he did.

For once he made no attempt to bite me when I put the bucket down at his head, but lowered his mouth into it and took a few half-hearted swallows.

I put the bucket down on the ground and slowly poured bran flakes into it.

He had time to blink, then his startled yell was muffled as Maia brought her bucket down upon his shoulders, covering his head.

In any case he dumped the bucket down outside the door instead of going to fill it again, and came back and stood close beside me.

I wheeled my wobbling, squeaking bucket down the hall, half jogging in my hurry.