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bucked up

adj. inspired with confidence; "felt bucked up by his success" [syn: bucked up(p), encouraged]

Usage examples of "bucked up".

She bucked up to grab and suck his pulsing rod into the liquid warmth of her fiery core.

She bucked up against his face and he pressed deeper into her, sucking and licking harder.

But my request was bucked up to GHQ in Centauri, and the Humans provided the information we lacked.

I'm not much of a lad for the birds and the trees and the great open spaces as a rule, but there's no doubt that London's not at its best in August, and rather tends to give me the pip and make me think of popping down into the country till things have bucked up a trifle.

She bucked up at him, trying to get him to move more quickly, but instead he stopped moving altogether, pushing down and holding her prisoner beneath him.

Jake bucked up into Tor's mouth and almost crawled out of his skin when Tor started sucking on him.

Fowl reached the water's edge on the other side and bucked up onto dry land.

Then the chopper went over the side and the cab of the truck bucked up as the front wheels struck the rail and it followed the helicopter toward the sea, its engine still at full throttle.

For two hours he dragged and rolled chunks of burned timber bucked up small enough it could be muscled clear of the road.

I bucked up slightly when Rachel made it clear that these unpleasant incidents had consisted of M.