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a. Having bucktooth


adj. having protruding upper front teeth

Usage examples of "buck-toothed".

Three children, in fact: a smartypants little girl, a hypnotized little boy, and a buck-toothed baby.

Some woman who worked in the offices of Pensions and Domestic Debts with Anya who had a buck-toothed, stammering husband with a secret taste for decadent music.

Behind her back, Malfoy did a buck-toothed imitation of her jumping up and down in eagerness to answer a question.

The idea that her handsome Sir Zheng could have bestowed his favours on this coarse, lumpish, buck-toothed peasant girl had seemed so preposterous mat she had at first assumed this to be a case of mistaken identity.

Claudine suggested questioning every building worker employed on the restoration of the Coliseum's Arch of Gallienus, particularly any who admitted to a friendship or acquaintanceship with a buck-toothed driver familiar with the opening hours of Rome's major tourist sites.