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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Brutish \Bru"tish\, a. Pertaining to, or resembling, a brute or brutes; of a cruel, gross, and stupid nature; coarse; unfeeling; unintelligent.

O, let all provocation Take every brutish shape it can devise.
--Leigh Hunt.

Man may . . . render himself brutish, but it is in vain that he would seek to take the rank and density of the brute.
--I. Taylor.

Syn: Insensible; stupid; unfeeling; savage; cruel; brutal; barbarous; inhuman; ferocious; gross; carnal; sensual; bestial. [1913 Webster] -- Bru"tish*ly, adv. -- Bru"tish*ness, n.


adv. In a brutish manner.


adv. in an inhumane manner; "she treated her husband bestially" [syn: bestially, in a beastly manner]

Usage examples of "brutishly".

I did not care, Instictively, daftly, brutishly, I harnessed ten of them to my sledge.

Oh, they're close, but the sleek centaurs of Dillia, for example, seem almost like streamlined, stylized idealizations of their coarse, muscular, and far more brutishly equine ancestors.

There was something so brutishly spartan about the place, and in that atmosphere Kate herself, so unnoticing of or uncaring for the near squalor, seemed a different person.

The whole mob was pressing forward as though some very, very stupid collective mind was brutishly determined to push its way through the police lines.

It was another thing entirely to kill like a savage, pounding away brutishly with a rock.

Fourth Son of the Ninth Litter thunders after him, but his vast girth makes him as slow as he is brutishly strong.

The others were near imbeciles, wanting only to eat, sleep and sometimes mate brutishly with less grace than any beast.