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vb. (en-past of: brute)

Usage examples of "bruted".

A number of civilians, maybe three dozen of them, were being bruted into a rough circle by a platoon of Japanese soldiers.

Jones had bruted him into his place and pretty much forgotten about him ever since.

This had been its home, back when cities swelled the Earth and primitive rockets bruted their way into orbit.

Now to bring this Peter in credite, and the kyng out of all credite with his people, diverse vaine persons bruted dayly among the commons of the realme, that Christe had twice appered unto him in the shape of a childe, betwene the prieste's handes, once at Yorke, another tyme at Pomfret.

Now to bring this Peter in credite, and the kyng out of all credite with his people, diverse vaine persons bruted dayly among the commons of the realme, that Christe had twice appered unto him in the shape of a childe, betwene the prieste’s handes, once at Yorke, another tyme at Pomfret.