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n. (context painting English) A visible mark on a painted surface left by the bristles of a paintbrush.

Usage examples of "brushmark".

Andrea picked up a dead branch lid swept away the dragmarks in the snow and, by the lie of the pine, all traces of the encounter: inside the hour, he knew, the brushmarks he had made would have vanished under a fresh covering of snow.

He reached the pine where the two Cetniks had been ambushed, briefly quartered the area, then followed the line of brushmarks leading into the woods, the puzzlement his face giving way first to pure suspicion, then the suspicion to complete certainty.

He could see brushmarks in the form of a large cross, although in places the paint had run.

I also tend to be drawn to the more painterly artists such as Thom Ang, Kent Williams, Dave McKean, Greg Spalenka, and the like, where the brushmarks show and the images grow out of fascinating patchworks of anything from found objects to startling discourses of pure color.