Crossword clues for brung
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
dialectal past tense and past participle of bring (v.).
vb. (context colloquial or dialectal nonstandard English) (past participle of bring English)
Usage examples of "brung".
Not wanting to indulge in no sprint in that heat, Bill shot a heel offa his boot, and that brung him down squalling blue murder.
Not wanting to indulge in no sprinting in that heat, Bill shot a heel offa his boot, and that brung him down squalling blue murder.
And I brung him up some delicate warm toast and some fragrant tea, and his smile on me wuz dretful good-natured, almost warm.
She thinks a sight of the Saratoga water, and well she may, if that is what has brung her up, for she wuz always sick in Jonesville, kinder bedrid.
And it highly tickled me to think that the little fresh air children wuz brung up there by the owner of the woods and the poor little creeters, out of their dingy dirty homes, and filthy air, wandered round for one happy day in the green woods, in the fresh air and sunshine.
I was brung up, but I thinks dat good teachers and work is what de colored race needs worser than anything else.
The homeplace, the house Daddy had brung Mama to all them long years before, the house his granddaddy had built after the War between the States.
Far as I ever heared, my Ma and Pa was borned and brung up right dar in Oconee County.
The bresh was purty thick and I reckon it was the branches slapping him in the face which brung him to, because all to onst he begun hollering blue murder.
The money that Al Jenkins sunk into Twin Springs is what brung it to life.
I brung it into camp for youse fellers to cut up or keep, just as you please.
With the inborn suspicion of the barbarian, Condom growled, "Hey, you got another one of them plum duffs like the last fellow brung?
Later on he brung in carpenters and good pine lumber, built him a fine frame house painted white, built docks, built sheds.
Everbody be booin an catcallin him, but he climbed on back up in the ring an brung with him a foldup chair.
Point is I've brung a detail to load up the wounded and move them to the camp.