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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Browbeat \Brow"beat`\, v. t. [imp. Browbeat; p. p. Browbeaten; p. pr. & vb. n. Browbeating.] To depress or bear down with haughty, stern looks, or with arrogant speech and dogmatic assertions; to abash or disconcert by impudent or abusive words or looks; to bully; as, to browbeat witnesses.

My grandfather was not a man to be browbeaten.
--W. Irving.


Browbeating \Brow"beat`ing\, n. The act of bearing down, abashing, or disconcerting, with stern looks, supercilious manners, or confident assertions.

The imperious browbeatings and scorn of great men.


n. A scolding. vb. (present participle of browbeat English)

Usage examples of "browbeating".

After some browbeating from Goering, who could now pose as the fairest of judges, the blackmailing ex-convict, Schmidt, broke down in court and confessed that the Gestapo had threatened his life unless he implicated General von Fritsch - a threat, incidentally, which was carried out anyway a few days later - and that the similarity of names between Fritsch and Rittmeister von Frisch, whom he had actually blackmailed for homosexualism, had led to the frame-up.

No man in the town had ever succeeded in browbeating Doc or making him back water.

So instead of browbeating him, she opened her purse and took out a small bag.

He went on browbeating them for a minute, while Malori observed in the screen that the dirty weather the berserker had mentioned was coming on.

Added to that was the hassle of cajoling, browbeating or begging suppliers for their customer lists.

But constant liberal browbeating demonstrably can persuade large numbers of people that Republicans are dumb, irrespective of cold, hard facts.

So instead of browbeating him, she opened her purse and took out a small bag.

The same journalists who had been browbeating the nation with the information that Gore was an intellectual titan.

What with keeping an eye on Papa Dupont that prevented his drinking himself to death seven times per calendar week, and an eye on Sofia that was fondly credited with being largely responsible for her failure to run away with each and every presentable man who ogled her, and browbeating the waiters and frustrating their attempts to cheat the house out of its fair dues, and supervising the marketing and the cuisine: believe it or not, Mama Therese led a tolerably busy life and deserved whatever gratification she got out of it, to say nothing of highest commendation for industry, fidelity, and frugality.