Crossword clues for brotula
The Collaborative International Dictionary
brotula \brotula\ n. any fish of the family Brotulidae.
n. A family of ophidiiform fishes, of the taxonomic family ''Bythitidae'', who bear live young.
n. deep-sea fishes
The brotulas form a family, the Bythitidae, of ophidiiform fishes, also known as viviparous brotulas as they bear live young. They are found in tropical and subtropical waters throughout the world. They are small fishes, around in length, and live in surface waters or around reefs.
A few species are freshwater: for example, the Mexican blind brotula, Ogilbia pearsei, is found in caves and sinkholes in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico.
Since 2002, more than 110 new species have been added to this family. In 2005, 26 new species were described in a single paper by Danish and German scientists and in 2007, an additional eight new genera with 20 new species were described in another paper by the same scientists.