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n. (plural of brothel English)

Usage examples of "brothels".

You know, some brothels are secretly owned by men with considerable influence.

At least she seemed to recall that things had been that way in the brothels of his youth.

From her headquarters on Wanderjahr she scoured all of Human Space, recruiting young women and boys for employment in brothels, the ones she owned and the ones on Havanagas and other worlds that the mob ran.

Maybe she had been sold and now sat in one of the lath cages in the maze of brothels back in Edo, but Hanshiro doubted it.

The owners of nightclubs, striptease joints, peep shows, and brothels commonly traded these young women for a fee.

The excuse given for the conditions in Panama is that there are no brothels in the Canal Zone.

Keepers of brothels, as well as their unfortunate victims, were turned over to the tender mercies of the police.

While comparatively protected in the brothels, where they represented a certain monetary value, the girls now found themselves on the street, absolutely at the mercy of the graft-greedy police.

And then there's the sexual exploitation of children held prisoner in the brothels of Havanagas.