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n. (plural of broomstick English)

Usage examples of "broomsticks".

They long to visit the haunts of men, To see the old dwellings they knew again, And ride on their broomsticks all around Their wide domain of unhallowed ground.

A couple of hapless Cygnans came tumbling out of the lock, squirming round on their broomsticks to get back to the ship.

But if those puny-looking Cygnan broomsticks could manage constant acceleration at one g, then certainly they could mail a package from Earth in eight days.

And how many missiles do you think would get to their targets when they can match velocities freehand on those broomsticks of theirs?

Then with a casual flick of their broomsticks, the Cygnans altered course fractionally.

They fell what he judged to be another four or five miles before the laboring broomsticks were able to slow them to a halt.

The fancy of Number Seven about the witches' broomsticks suggested to one of us the following poem: THE BROOMSTICK TRAIN.

The small square windows are full in view Which the midnight hags went sailing through, On their well-trained broomsticks mounted high, Seen like shadows against the sky.

They came, of course, at their master's call, The witches, the broomsticks, the cats, and all.