a. (context dated English) made of, or relating to, bronze.
Usage examples of "bronzen".
The trees on the plain took up the bronzen color and became a pale, umbrous green.
It was at that moment that the gunports all along the port side opened and the bronzen muzzles of the culverins emerged to grin of death and dismemberment at the islanders on the boats.
By contrast, the whole sky, even the east, was vivid with an exceptional bronzen red.
Bulging domes and squat guard towers rose above a stuccoed wall, wherein was set a great gate whose polished bronzen hinges redly reflected the sun.
Saragasso, wherein they had been made in exactly the same way since the time of the Old Roman Empire, done up of finished leather, not the rawhide of cheaper imitations, with leaden pellets and bronzen barbs permanently integrated in the tails.
Sigurd, now covered from neck to crotch by a shirt of bronzen scales sewn to leather, puffed up the ladder to the poop deck.
Mirt stared hard at her bronzen hair, as if the weight of his gaze could lay bare the thoughts in her head.
Now you come along and he is giving you no less than forty of the best pieces in the fortressVenetian-cast, every one of them, only about ten years old and sound as the day they were unmolded, real bronzen treasure.
On previous visits, he right often had unlocked one of the treasure coffers and laid before him atop the table a tray of jewelsthose of the Magical Jewels of Ireland, the ancient symbols of sovereignty of the various kingdoms which went to make up the island, which he owned or at least held, while he had schemed and planned how to best and most quickly acquire possession of the othersbut in the hideous light of all which had so recently occurred in Ireland, the sight of the Jewels and the subsequent thoughts of how terribly his careful plans and schemes had gone astray so upset him as to almost deprive him of the power of reason, so he instead had placed atop the table on this day a bronzen coffer of ancient coinssome of them dating back to the old Roman Empirethat he might absently finger them as he thought.
Now you come along and he is giving you no less than forty of the best pieces in the fortress—Venetian-cast, every one of them, only about ten years old and sound as the day they were unmolded, real bronzen treasure.