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bromide of potassium

n. (context obsolete inorganic compound English) potassium bromide

Usage examples of "bromide of potassium".

Gershom is worse -- bromide of potassium and even a heavy dose of morphine from the Selenite's medicine lockers, have not relieved him or enabled him to sleep.

A renowned physician who have me daily large doses of Bromide of Potassium, pronounced my malady unique and incurable.

The properties of the stuff were discovered by chance: on the return journey from Pluto, a member of the expedition, half delirious with space-fever, got hold of the unmarked jar containing it and took a small dose, imagining that it was bromide of potassium.

Doctor Rey had given him bromide of potassium to rout the unbearable hallucinations that had been frightening him.