n. (context idiomatic biblical English) A person who is destroyed or forgotten, or who feels flawed or broken.
Usage examples of "broken vessel".
Lee Tong stood tensed in despair as the broken vessel slowly rolled over and died, falling to the floor of the gulf and sealing all hope of his escape.
The Falconer officers joined Una and Rufon in her office chamber, watching the agony of the broken vessel, each in agony himself because of his helplessness.
Look at his thought-endued countenance, his graceful limbs, his majestic brow, his wondrous mechanism--the type and model of this best work of God is not to be cast aside as a broken vessel--he shall be preserved, and his children and his children's children carry down the name and form of man to latest time.
She was but a twisted, broken vessel of hatred, kept living by her depraved lust for vengeance.
But it was only the broken vessel, creaking and settling slightly.