vb. (past participle of break the ice English)
Usage examples of "broken the ice".
Cluppins having once broken the ice, thought it a favourable opportunity for entering into a short dissertation on her own domestic affairs.
She waited, thinking that maybe, having broken the ice of his reserve and actually confided, he might wish to continue.
Around the back the snow was piled in front of the door and no one had broken the ice on the water butt.
Charles would already have made some witty remark by this point, broken the ice, let Daniel know where he stood, but James only looked at Daniel expectantly.
Those hills were where the T'lan Imass had broken the ice sheets, the first place of defiance.
We came upon a large creek in the forenoon and had to ascend its east bank for a long distance to cross it, as the tide had broken the ice below.
They all knew I had spewed my guts, but by their lack of comment, it seemed I had broken the ice in some twisted fashion.
Ive broken the ice, she said happily, theyre telling each other their life histories now and are getting along wonderfully.
And, just to show you what a sucker you are, she'd even planned to contact the old man behind your back after you'd broken the ice.