n. 1 (brody English) 2 (plural of brodie English)
Brodies LLP is Scotland's largest law firm. Its lawyers support Scottish, UK and global organisations in and from Scotland.
The firm offers legal advice to private and public sector clients both in the UK and internationally in its core business areas of corporate and commercial; energy (both renewables and oil & gas); real estate; litigation and dispute resolution; banking and financial services; employment, pensions and benefits, trust and tax, and personal and family.
Brodies' clients include multinational corporations, small and medium enterprises, entrepreneurs, business people and individuals from all backgrounds who are active in almost every sector of the Scottish economy.
Usage examples of "brodies".
When the woman looked inquiringly at her and the children, Matthew said softly, "They're the Brodies from Heatherbrook.
That was how he was feeling prior to making the coffins for the Brodies.
In the Pickax hierarchy, the Brodies had always been respecters of the Duncans, and he had piped at Lynette's wedding.