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n. (plural of broadsword English)

Usage examples of "broadswords".

Behind Geros, wielding sabers and broadswords and a miscellany of pole arms, came twoscore Freefighters of the Morguhn Company and, after them, the battered remnants of the Confederation infantry, mostly spearless now but no less deadly with shortsword and shield.

At the second drumroll, every heavy shield came up to battle-carry, every spear sloped across right shoulder at a precise angle, all performed under the critical eyes of halberd-armed sergeants and officers with broadswords at the shoulder-carry.

All around were countless glass cabinets filled with the most marvelous weapons Kern had ever laid eyes on: rune-carved broadswords and bright sabres, curved daggers and deadly maces, along with hundreds of other weapons, many of which he could not even identify.

Polished, also, were the unadorned hilts of their broadswords and the light axes dangling from their saddlebows.

Geros, broadswords bared and ready, kicked open the bedroom door and burst into the room.

Scots formed up and resumed the hunt, lancepoints and broadswords glittering in the sun.

He could think of no way in which two hundred-odd tired and pain-racked men on as many plodding horses and with only use-dulled broadswords for armament could effect any favorable outcome in the hellishness beneath the swirling opacity of the fog.

English horsemen were upon and among the recumbent, fatigue-drugged Crusaders, broadswords and pistols, lances and axes taking a bloody toll.

So shocked and devastated were the stumbling survivors that most surrendered meekly to the troopers and gallowglasses who rushed them with pistols, axes, and broadswords at the ready.

Brute strength and broadswords were pitted against finesse and rapiers.

All around the long room, knots of cardmasters defended here and there in rings of steel and upset furniture, but many were mowed down by broadswords like wildflowers by a scythe.

But a roar from the rear announced the Bronessans were closing with broadswords and shields.

As we reached it, I saw that the roof here was vaulted over the stone statues of hooded guardians, their hands resting on thick broadswords and their lips curled into faintly contemptuous smiles below their hoods.

Glancing back, he saw the knights charging him, their broadswords raised.

Looking back, she saw that he was staring fixedly at two knights on horseback, fighting with broadswords on the field outside the castle.