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vb. (present participle of broadside English)


Broadsiding is the method used in motorcycle speedway for travelling round the bends on the speedway track. The rider skids his rear wheel by spinning it at such a speed that it sets up a gyroscopic action and this opposes the natural tendencies of centrifugal force. Then he controls the slide by throttle control to maintain, increase or decrease the rate of which the rear wheel spins. Motorcycle speedway bikes have no brakes or suspension. The rider can scrub-off speed while still providing the drive to power the bike forward and around the bend.

Usage examples of "broadsiding".

Just as he breathed a sigh of relief at not broadsiding the car crossing in front of him, a state trooper pulled up behind him.

Another shot ripped through the interior of the Lexus and she was off, correcting for the overswing caused by the crash, speeding through a red light, almost broadsiding a dilapidated truck that was lumbering along, clearing it and almost running over a delivery cyclist, stamping hard on the brakes, making the U-turn on Park Avenue in a welter of flying safety glass and torn chrome and plastic, heading downtown like a bat out of hell toward the Midtown Tunnel and home in Old Westbury.

Its flight was smooth, and it avoided the rougher wind pockets the way a ship’s captain would run his craft through the trough of the sea to keep the waves from broadsiding his hull.

Its flight was smooth, and it avoided the rougher wind pockets the way a ships captain would run his craft through the trough of the sea to keep the waves from broadsiding his hull.