Crossword clues for broaches
n. (plural of broach English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: broach)
Usage examples of "broaches".
Only yesterday she was always spinning flax, and used to go to mass with the tail of her petticoat over her head instead of a mantle, and there she goes to-day in a hooped gown with her broaches and airs, as if we didn't know her!
What have Cascajo, and the broaches and the proverbs and the airs, to do with what I say?
As New Year approaches, she whispers of coaches, And lockets and broaches [See Notes], without any end, Of sweet rosy pleasure, of joy without measure, And plenty of leisure to share with a friend.
She whispers of coaches,/And lockets and broaches-- refers to the holiday-presents in vogue at the time.
Zaranda thrust a hand in her pouch and brought forth a handful of gems and rich broaches, sparkling in the light of the single lantern hung by a hook above the slab.
Two more footmen with breeches clasped at the knees by silver broaches ushered a blonde girl in by the arms.
They were at their coffee when Willard said, with apparent reluctance as one who broaches a subject he would rather not, you read the book?
One day, while we are still waiting there for the public office to decide about us, he broaches the matter.
However, since it broaches the topics of meditation, contemplation, and mindfulness/awareness training, I will reserve my final comments (and my few disagreements) until after these topics have been introduced in the text.
Perhaps he should wait until the next invitation before he broaches the matter.