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n. A bristlecone pine.


Usage examples of "bristlecone".

Found in the Nevada mountains, the bristlecone pine is a stunted specimen looking more like a piece of standing driftwood than a living organism, but it can live five thousand years!

The sum data from living and dead bristlecone pines provides scientists with an eight-thousand-year-long record of regional weather conditions.

The first theory, proposed by Val LaMarche and Tom Harlan, based on the testimony of California bristlecone pines, was that the periodic temperature minimums recorded by tree rings were caused by volcanic eruptions.

The presence of frost rings in the bristlecone pines, indicating a normal growing season interrupted by a sudden hard frost, supports this hypothesis.

Alucius concentrated on following the brownish green feel, which seemed to be centered in the stand on the right and below the road, but he could see nothing, although he could sense that the creature seemed to be one with a large bristlecone pine that stood almost alone in a clearing.

Slowly, he took in what lay before him, sensing a faint green that permeated the ancient bristlecone pine on the far side of the open space, a tree gnarled and seemingly dwarfed by the taller firs and pines of the forest, yet with a depth and presence that made the other ancient evergreen monarchs less than shadows.

The greenish glow was gone from the bristlecone, yet he could sense that somehow it remained, though he could not see it.

The breath I took then had a thousand flavors: Nepalese snow, Brazilian rainforest, Antarctic ice, Sahara sand, stone used to build an Indian temple a thousand years ago, needles from a bristlecone pine -- each odor tagged so that I knew it without having ever tasted it before.

Upon a crag that slid past now he recognized bristlecone pines, close-molded to the rock by centuries of wind.

There were spiky trees with gnarled branches and clumps of needlelike leaves, like bristlecone pines.

By radio-carbon date-checking against trees of known age - notably the bristlecone pine which grows in the White Mountains of California, some of which are known to be over 6,000 years old - it has been found that all radio-carbon dates prior to 1000 BC are too young.

The longest-living things are bristlecone pine trees, at 4,700 years and still counting.

We split apart, creeping around the edges of the clearing, sheltering ourselves among the thick clumps of bristlecone pine trees that surrounded the Pavilion Point.

Tomas said, These oaks and bristlecone pines did not grow in even the near-dozen years since you first met the sorcerer, Pug.

In fact, you can see them: bumblebees or bristlecone pines, inhabiting temporal planes that barely intersect our own.