n. (context humorous slang English) A meal consisting of a fusion of breakfast (qualifier: one’s first meal upon awakening) and dinner.
Usage examples of "brinner".
His cheeks had flushed then, too, and as if Brinner also remembered how they had passed their evening, he now allowed his typically intent expression to soften with a self-conscious smile.
But before she could come up with a suitably insulting rejoinder for Brinner, Ezri felt her throat tense up as she recognized what was coming through the runabout door.
But Brinner’s attention was still riveted on the transport pod and the symbiont within.
Then, with a curt nod indicating that Brinner and Ezri were to follow, the doctor fell in behind the pod, her flashing tricorder held in operating position.
Then the shuttlebay personnel door slipped shut, and she half-stumbled as she hurried to catch up with Brinner, now marching dutifully in Dr.
By the time she fell into step with Brinner, she had realized the answer.
Instead, she called up another text display on the padd, then addressed Brinner.
Then T’pek took her place in the lift beside Brinner and gave Ezri another curt nod.
She felt her own face flush, even as Brinner seemed to maintain complete equanimity.
Ever since then, it had remained her brother’s special name for her, and had become the special name she shared only rarely, and only with those, like Brinner, whom she had welcomed into her heart.
She brought her hands to Brinner’s face, carefully holding the samsit crystal bottle between two fingers of one hand as she used the other to caress his cheek.
Conflicting recollections tumbled onto one another, overlapping like palimpsests: Brinner Finok, and the brief fling they had shared aboard the Destiny.