vb. (alternative form of bring round English)
v. cause to adopt an opinion or course of action; "His urgent letter finally brought me around to give money to the school" [syn: bring round]
provide a cure for, make healthy again; "The treatment cured the boy's acne"; "The quack pretended to heal patients but never managed to" [syn: cure, heal]
bring back to consciousness; "These pictures bring back sad memories" [syn: bring to, bring back, bring round] [ant: anesthetize]
Usage examples of "bring around".
I thought Alanna Brunswick was going to bring around a tray of Ritz crackers garnished with fetal pigs.
We had the DEA bring around one of their dogs and he went through the broken boxes.
We had arrived at the area where they park the showboats, the ones too big to bring around inside, and thus have to leave them on the river, not far from the fuel pumps, where two out of every three Power Squadron types who cruise by can whap them against the cement with their curling wash.
While her group hurried to adapt the LSU-for this purpose, it need only be an air hose and heater-I got my crew to bring around six slabs of permaplast, so we could build a big box around Singer and the extra suit.