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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ But for all that Electric Moon is brimful of charm and many small gems of enlightenment.
▪ He shot me a look brimful of amusement, then drained his cup and sat back in the chair.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Brimful \Brim"ful\, a. Full to the brim; completely full; ready to overflow. ``Her brimful eyes.''

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1520s, from brim (n.) + -ful.


a. Filled to maximum capacity. n. 1 The maximum amount a container can hold. 2 (label en figurative) A large amount.


adj. filled to capacity; "a brimful cup"; "I am brimful of chowder"; "a child brimming over with curiosity"; "eyes brimming with tears" [syn: brimfull, brimming]

Usage examples of "brimful".

But the day dawned so unrealistically spangled with light and beauty that the world seemed a pleasant place and brimful of promise.

If the accounts of Rackham Perfumeries are cruel drudgery for a man of his temperament, what must this girl, barely past adolescence, brimful of life and promise, be suffering as she scribbles?

Alan Bragle, returned to complete a sacred mission -a willing spawner of sound mind and body with a scrotum brimful of ready wrigglers.

The unforgotten dearest dead may be Watching us, with unslumbering eyes and heart, Brimful of words which cannot yet be said, Brimful of knowledge they may not impart, Brimful of love for you and love for me.

Much was different inside him, to be sure--long-empty places brimful again, long-dead emotions alive and breathing beneath his heart--but what had changed to make Goldenseal aware of it?

I was just brimful with it when you came up and took the words out of me mouth.

They soon reached a drier, hotter area, free of trees and scrubland, brimful of gazelles and zebra and impala and wildebeest.

Revived by the prospect, she held the brimful cup to his lips and massaged his throat to force him to drink.

He was brimful of wit and the milk of human kindness, compassionate for the weaknesses of others, and devoted to youth, no matter of what sex, but he knew well the virtue of moderation, and used all things without abusing them.

Thus he preserved his amusement at her quaint warmths, and quainter calmness, his aesthetic pleasure in watching her, whose strange, half-hypnotized, half-hypnotic gaze, had a sort of dreamy and pathetic lovingness, as if she were brimful of affections that had no outlet.

The wine press, on the left side of the yard, was being loaded with the contents of brimful hampers which the young men transported from the vineyards.

Which means that there'll be rivers running brimful with the tastiest of whiskeys and boxes of the choicest cigars waiting ready lit at every corner, and if those pleasures are good enough for the angels they're good enough for me.