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n. (plural of brightener English)

Usage examples of "brighteners".

The image he saw was a haberdasher's triumphcrisp white djellaba gleaming with optical brighteners, dark cloak discreetly bordered with kaleidotape, silver dagger with a jeweled pommel stuck in his sash, silk foulard headcloth from Harrod's of Tharsis, English leather wingtips.

His turban stood two feet high, precious jewels winked all over his costume, and his gold lamé vest and flowered silk pantaloons had been enhanced by optical brighteners.

Nonrecycled, high-acid, coarse pulp with minimal optical brighteners and low luminescence.

Optical brighteners have been added to paper for nearly fifty years and it's unusual, even in cheap paper like this, for there to be an uneven-ness in the brilliance.

Washer and dryer, cabinets choked with detergents and cleansers, softeners and brighteners—a treasury of things promising to make life shiny and sweet-smelling.