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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Brigade \Bri*gade"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Brigaded; p. pr. & vb. n. Brigading.] (Mil.) To form into a brigade, or into brigades.


vb. (en-past of: brigade)

Usage examples of "brigaded".

In the beginning the Home Guard was a heterogeneous force and structurally rather similar to the early Spanish militias, but it has been gradually brigaded on the lines of the regular army, and all the ordinary contingents are affiliated to the regiments belonging to the locality.

Whenever possi­ble, units from the same colony had also been brigaded together for morale.

Until his advent, troops had drilled from at least three separate manuals, so that when they were brigaded together, disarray ensued.

As occasion warranted, the light companies could also be detached from their “par­ent” regiments, brigaded together in a separate corps, and used as shock troops or advance guards for the main army.

When the present campaigning season is over the Irish regiments of the army will be brigaded as a division that shall be posted to the garrisons of the Caribbean islands.

For the old regiments of the monarchy kept their province names even after the fall of the monarchy, and were not brigaded until 1794.