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n. (plural of briefing English)

Usage examples of "briefings".

Any briefings the diplomatic representatives feel you need in preparation for arrival at Masada are to be fit into your spare time.

Hill's briefings, the Faithful are very unlikely to schedule any meetings after the dinner hour.

He knew from his briefings that their navy swallowed a staggeringly large amount of their gross planetary product.

Michael knew from Lawler and Hill's exhaustive briefings that Masada had a large navy, enhanced by a civilian merchant fleet.

That meant personally managing process, knowing all the details, asking the questions, shaping the presidential briefings and the ultimate results.

So Franks described in detail each of the briefings he had gone through with Bush, including the post-Christmas session in Crawford and the one-hour-and-10-minute briefing the previous month.

The packet of Top Secret slides grew with each of Rumsfeld’s and Franks’s briefings.

I had no idea at that time about the extent of secret military planning, the briefings and the various options—Generated Start, Running Start, Hybrid—but he did say that he had not seen a successful military plan for Iraq, and we discussed the importance of patience.

His executive assistant filed a lengthy “Night Note” summarizing the day’s reports from staff who monitored everything on the Hill, including closed-door briefings.

They needed a fireball, so Tenet was present at more and more briefings.

The circumstances of the briefings—they took place in Cheney’s office—particularly bothered him.

A detailed 11-page spreadsheet of the invitations and meetings was prepared showing he had invited 195 members of the House and all 100 senators to one or more White House–led briefings on Iraq.

There were briefings for the president on securing and repairing Iraqi oil infrastructure, on collateral damage estimates for hardened and underground facilities in Iraq, and on hydrology—how Saddam might use dams and flooding to destroy critical regions in his country and interfere with U.

Though never acknowledged, the CIA participated in the inspections secretly, provided tips and intelligence, received full briefings from the inspectors, and advised them on how to locate and destroy weapons.

He'd seen pictures of Jedrik during the Tandaloor briefings, realized now that he was trying to delay leaving Bahrank's armored cocoon.