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a. (en-superlative of: brief) ''most brief.''

Usage examples of "briefest".

Attempts at friendliness on their part were met with the briefest possible response.

He held her eyes prisoner for the briefest of moments, before she looked down again.

She had leaned almost imperceptibly forward for the briefest of instants.

For just the briefest moment she questioned whether the fear that held her in its tight grip was brought on by the thought of being stopped, or of not being stopped.

His briefest paragraphs and riddles sufficiently possess the adamancy of art.

It was more than three years since his last visit, and for this he offered the lame excuse that the political situation in Russia was too uncertain, which apparently would not permit even the briefest absence of a small businessman while it allowed hundreds of thousands of Russians to travel peacefully abroad.

Moonshorn Tower shook all around them for the briefest of instants, with a deep rumbling sound, somewhere a stack of books collapsed with a crash.

In his fingertips, the cork shone like a bright star for the briefest of instants.

Among our people there is no age of youth, scarcely the briefest childhood.

We have no schools, but from our race come pouring at the briefest intervals the innumerable swarms of our children, merrily lisping or chirping so long as they cannot yet pipe, rolling or tumbling along by sheer impetus so long as they cannot yet run, clumsily carrying everything before them by mass weight so long as they cannot yet see, our children!