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n. (plural of bridgehead English)

Usage examples of "bridgeheads".

This could build up to the point of instability, when it became necessary to annihilate or create dark matter at the Bridgeheads to redress the energy balance.

The two Bridgeheads in the Maker Universe will be joined and their connection with the Maker Bubble released.

During this process, because the singularity annihilates the intervening space-time, both Bridgeheads will momentarily be in the same place.

The biologicals of the new world would not be permitted to throw their fission weapons onto the bridgeheads this time.

But the Titcher/Dreen had established large bridgeheads before that happened.

They were using their surviving forces and the bridgeheads to begin colonization, continuing to create monsters that were a tough battle to destroy.

In that time the Russians will try to establish new bridgeheads on the western bank and broaden those they already have.

They were making a mighty effort to wipe out the two German-held bridgeheads on the eastern banks at Kustrin and in the area of Frankfurt.

Once these pincers snapped shut, Kustrin would fall and the linking of the two bridgeheads would provide the Russians with a major springboard on the western bank for their drive on Berlin.

As the armies concentrated on gaining the banks of the Elbe, to secure the bridgeheads for the last victorious dash that would end the war, every division along the north and center of the western front was determined to reach the river first.

First and Third armies were instructed in the second phase to seize bridgeheads on the Elbe and be prepared to drive east—in the case of Patton’s Third, the expression used was “east or southeast.

Ninth Army was simply holding its positions along the Elbe, mopping up pockets of resistance bypassed during the dash for the river and repulsing occasional sharp counterattacks against its bridgeheads.

The orders read: “Take the necessary action to avoid offensive action in force, including the formation of new bridgeheads east of the Elbe-Mulde line.

And all the time we wondered how soon the Americans would attack from their bridgeheads across the Elbe.

With two bridgeheads,-we pushed forward again at once and on 27 May reached the area south of Lille.