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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bribe \Bribe\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Bribed; p. pr. & vb. n. Bribing.]

  1. To rob or steal. [Obs.]

  2. To give or promise a reward or consideration to (a judge, juror, legislator, voter, or other person in a position of trust) with a view to prevent the judgment or corrupt the conduct; to induce or influence by a bribe; to give a bribe to.

    Neither is he worthy who bribes a man to vote against his conscience.
    --F. W. Robertson.

  3. To gain by a bribe; of induce as by a bribe.


n. bribery vb. (present participle of bribe English)

Usage examples of "bribing".

Magnus has been bribing heavily for two months, but after Afranius no one will look at his men.

And one of the tribunes-elect of the plebs, Gaius Memmius, created such a howl in the Forum that no amount of bribing by Jugurtha could avert catastrophe.

If Hirtius had heard rumors that King Deiotarus of Galatia was bribing Antony, he saw those rumors confirmed when Armenia Parva was taken off Cappadocia and added to Galatia.

But lie was tossed out of Parliament for bribing voters, and the success of his syndicates THE MAN WHO BECAME A COUNTRY 11 depended directly on bribing politicians.

They would then turn to Ottawa and demand subsidies to cover fiscal overruns, either bribing ininisters to ensure bailouts or threatening to embarrass the government by halting construction-or both.

Smith had spent bribing the M6tis leader and his followers during the 1870 Rebellion.

Longarm pressed his hand against his forehead trying to remember what Davis had said having to do with bribing Caster.

I accuse Wous mac Lir na Preofat, Twil mac Derin na nOg, and Lefray mac Dykla na Seonna of bribing Hlos and Ygren to organize a crop failure that would inflate the value of promises they had bought.

A hundred years of moonshining, stealing, gunrunning, gambling, counterfeiting, whoring, bribing, even killing, and eventually drug manufacturing, and not a single arrest.

They acted in a provocative fashion, openly moving cargo into and out of the city, bribing officials and daring the Mockers to interfere with them.

Even the dumbest criminal understands the concept of bribing with cash.