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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

hundred-handed giant in Greek mythology, from Greek briaros "strong, stout."

Usage examples of "briareus".

From being just an ordinary star Briareus Delta became in the space of two dramatic seconds the most brilliant and beautiful sight in the whole sky.

According to the most widely spread myth, Briareus and his brothers were called by Zeus to his assistance when the Titans were making war upon Olympus.

During the twenty minutes of waiting, Gyges communicated with Scylla and Briareus on the internal common band but heard nothing from Nemes.

She was less used to common-band sharing than Scylla, Briareus, and he.

One instant, Nemes, Scylla, and Briareus were at the doorway eight meters away, the next instant they were gone and three shimmering chrome shapes stood among the black- and red-robed figures at the table.

Suddenly Briareus was gone -- leaving nothing but a soft implosion of air where the blurred shape had stood a second before.

Nemes, Scylla, and Briareus move south on foot from the Pax Enclave at the Phallus of Shiva.

Scylla and Briareus and walks forward into the palace as her siblings phase-shift.

Nemes, Scylla, and Briareus regard the Shrike across the expanse of the suspension bridge, not phase-shifting for a moment, appreciating the realtime view of their enemy.

Instead of verbalizing on the common band, Briareus uses the extra energy to send the full visual image.

Scylla and Briareus threw themselves at the Shrike, while the Hyperion demon raised four arms and threw itself in the direction of Nemes -- only to be intercepted by the siblings.

Sol Draconi Septem and hear the sibilant hissings and see the deadly actions of Scylla, Gyges, Briareus, and Nemes on Vitus-Gray-Balianus B.

There hung Briareus with deep-indented trunk and ravined brows, stretching all his hands up to unattainable blue summits.

CHAPTER XLII Briareus reddening angrily over the sea--what is that vaporous Titan?

From these feet let the witness infer our whole massive Hercules, a bulk that sprawls and stretches beyond the rivers through the tunnels piercing their beds and that towers into the skies with innumerable tops--a Hercules blent of Briareus and Cerberus, but not so bad a monster as it seemed then to threaten becoming.