n. (plural of brest English)
Usage examples of "brests".
Soone as she parted thence, the fearefull twaine,That blind old woman and her daughter deareCame forth, and finding Kirkrapine there slaine,For anguish great they gan to rend their heare,And beat their brests, and naked flesh to teare.
Her gracious words their rancour did appall,And suncke so deepe into their boyling brests,That downe they let their cruell weapons fall,And lowly did abase their loftie crestsTo her faire presence, and discrete behests.
M Ost sacred fire, that burnest mightilyIn liuing brests, ykindled first aboue,Emongst th'eternall spheres and lamping sky,And thence pourd into men, which men call Loue.
Forthwith themselues with their sad instrumentsOf spoyle and murder they gan arme byliue,And with him forth into the forest went,To wreake the wrath, which he did earst reuiueIn their sterne brests, on him which late did driueTheir brother to reproch and shamefull flight:For they had vow'd, that neuer he aliueOut of that forest should escape their might.
She hauing hong vpon a bough on highHer bow and painted quiuer, had vnlasteHer siluer buskins from her nimble thigh,And her lancke loynes vngirt, and brests vnbraste,After her heat the breathing cold to taste.
So furiously each other did assayle,As if their soules they would attonce haue rentOut of their brests, that streames of bloud did rayleAdowne, as if their springes of life were spent.