The Collaborative International Dictionary
Brelan \Bre*lan"\, n. [F.] (Card Playing)
A French gambling game somewhat like poker.
In French games, a pair royal, or triplet. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] ||
n. A French card game: three of a kind; gleek.
Brelan (O. Fr. brelenc, hence a name for a card player, gambler or the name of the place where the game was played.), is a famous French vying game with rapidly escalating bets from the seventeenth to nineteenth century. The game is quite similar to the game of Bouillotte, but it is not played anymore.
Usage examples of "brelan".
It was Brelan Saur lying with Liza in the sweep of the breaking waves, his lean, taut body completely covering hers.
There was nothing he could do to stop the waves from breaking over them, nothing he could do to keep the lovers apart, nothing he could do to keep Liza from being destroyed along with Brelan Saur.
He looked past his man to where Brelan was still standing on the stairs.
He walked to the archway of the dining chamber and watched as Brelan stepped off the stairs.
He clamped his fingers on the dagger at his side to keep himself from murdering Brelan Saur.
He flicked his attention from Brelan and stared at his mother-in-law, taking his frustration out on her.
He slumped against Brelan, who hastily dropped his dagger to keep Conar from falling.
She became witness to the final confrontation between Brelan Saur and Conar McGregor.
That evening, the King, once more unconscious and pale, lay in his bed with Legion and Brelan at his side.
Flinching, Brelan looked away from her tearful face and his gaze settled on Chand.
Easing Liza out of his arms, knowing Brelan wanted to be alone with Liza and wanting that also, Grice stood.
When the door closed behind the Wynth brothers, Brelan moved sat at the head of the bed, taking Liza in his arms and cradling her against his chest.
Lord Brelan Saur sat on a log beside a blazing fire in the courtyard just beyond the covered walkway leading to the Temple.
Hunching his shoulders against the cold, Brelan now stared hard at the double doors and wondered if he should tell Legion about the secret tunnel leading from the stables to the punishment cells.
Legion and du Mer, Brelan Saur and Hern Arbra took their meals in the kitchens.