n. a nuclear reactor that produces more fissile material than it burns
A breeder reactor is a nuclear reactor that generates more fissile material than it consumes. These devices achieve this because their neutron economy is high enough to breed more fissile fuel than they use from fertile material, such as uranium-238 or thorium-232. Breeders were at first found attractive because their fuel economy was better than light water reactors, but interest declined after the 1960s as more uranium reserves were found, and new methods of uranium enrichment reduced fuel costs.
Usage examples of "breeder reactor".
Yes, Shmarov ordered Colonel Gagarin of the KGB to destroy the Serdobsk fast breeder reactor.
And the only reason to have that much metallic sodium in one place is a plutonium breeder reactor.
Monju, a prototype breeder reactor, was still a year away from producing electricity.
It was no secret when Japan built a Liquid Metal Fast Breeder reactor.
More: the city had attained, in its bizarre sweaty density, a kind of critical mass, a level of cultural activity that made it a breeder reactor for the soul, self-enriching, self-powering, for there was so much happening even in a moribund New York that the city simply could not die, it needs must go on throbbing and spewing forth the fevers of life, endlessly rekindling and renewing itself.
He made his way past the breeder reactor and stood before the pile, facing the honeycomb wall.
Our problem is no longer the innovation, but the chain of innovations, not the supersonic transport, or the breeder reactor, or the ground effect machine, but entire inter-linked sequences of such innovations and the novelty they send flooding into the society.
His seventh year in business, he lost everything as shareholder in a liquidmetal fast-breeder reactor, which bred only debt--but fast.
Using a home-made plutonium bomb made out of materials hijacked from the breeder reactor at Carmarthen, Welsh nationalists had blown up the Hyde Park Barracks and most of Knightsbridge.