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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Brecciated \Brec"ci*a`ted\, a. Consisting of angular fragments cemented together; resembling breccia in appearance.

The brecciated appearance of many specimens [of meteorites].
--H. A. Newton.

  1. (context geology English) Formed, or broken into breccia v

  2. (en-past of: brecciate)

Usage examples of "brecciated".

I reckoned anywhere trees grew I could scramble up, so I followed ramps of trees winding up through brecciated battlements, ducking under the branches.

The steep brecciated walls of the crater had become the canvases for their new artform, which they had pursued for some twenty or thirty years, back before the turn of the century.

In situ investigation of the brecciated diabase in SNC Crater and surrounding region reveal that ilmenite and whitlockite are missing from this inventory.

Studies at another oval crater about the same age and size, Crater Tf, on the Elysium Massif show that it has the same brecciated diabase, with the same phase accessories, as SNC Crater and environs.

Brother Halga explained that the whole structure had been synthesized from glass and silicates extracted from the brecciated ice and bound together by diamond wire.

They were nearly done doming Stickney, he told them, and under it long galleries had been drilled into the fractured and brecciated rock, following ice veins right through the moon.

The steep brecciated walls of the crater had become the canvases for their new artform, which they had pursued for some twenty or thirty years, back before the turn of the century.

The Zp meteor's impact had scattered chunks of brecciated lava everywhere, including shishtovite shattercones like pottery shards, some dead black, others a bright blood red, or flecked with impact diamonds.

The floor had been desiccated by the original impact, and now it consisted of about a kilometer's depth of eolian sediment, underlain by a hard cake of brecciated rock, formed during the brief but stupendous pressures of the impact.

The floor had been desiccated by the original impact, and now it consisted of about a kilometer’s depth of eolian sediment, underlain by a hard cake of brecciated rock, formed during the brief but stupendous pressures of the impact.

The steep brecciated granite walls of the crater had become the canvases for their new art form, which they had pursued for some twenty or thirty years, back before the turn of the century.