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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
breathtaking (=very beautiful and impressive)
▪ The scenery is breathtaking, a unique combination of mountains, valleys, and lakes.
▪ There are breathtaking views from the top of the hill.
▪ Relax with a glass of chilled local wine or schnapps from the ship's bar while you take in the breathtaking scenery.
▪ Carefree holidays amid breathtaking scenery in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park.
▪ A land where meandering rivers flow through breathtaking scenery and beside magnificent abbeys and castles.
▪ The cable car journey to the top is the longest in the Alps and the whole journey is filled with breathtaking scenery.
▪ Their breathtaking scenery, beaches and ruined cities are rapidly putting this out-of-the-way nation firmly on the tourist map.
▪ Enjoy numerous scenic drives, or walk along coastlines taking in the breathtaking views Northern Ireland has to offer.
▪ Nearby Lembert Dome requires an 800-foot climb for breathtaking views.
▪ It has a superb roof-top terrace and a small pool with breathtaking views.
▪ I slipped on my sandals and went outside to a breathtaking view of Chinju below.
▪ But the real attractions are the fresh air and the breathtaking views.
▪ Being on the top floor with its breathtaking view of the surrounding forest was one of the job's many perks.
▪ From its central position perched high on the cliffs, it offers a breathtaking view across the Bay of Naples.
▪ the breathtaking scenery of the Rocky Mountains
▪ The bank's new on-line service is still growing at a breathtaking pace.
▪ The changes in the city since 1980 have been breathtaking.
▪ The drive along the beach and up the mountain and is truly breathtaking.
▪ The guest house was on the side of the cliff, with breathtaking views of the ocean below.
▪ And then, his breathtaking impudence.
▪ But the on-line service is still growing at a breathtaking pace.
▪ His hat-trick in 22 first-half minutes was the highlight of a breathtaking performance by the champions.
▪ Led by the head waiter around a crowded bar we emerged into a restaurant with a breathtaking interior.
▪ Nearby Lembert Dome requires an 800-foot climb for breathtaking views.
▪ Paris writes with an authority and fastidiousness that is breathtaking.
▪ The implications of this were absolutely breathtaking.
▪ Undertaken by the National Children's Bureau, this is a longitudinal study of breathtaking scale and thoroughness.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1867, from breath + present participle of take (v.). Phrase to take (one's) breath away with astonishment or delight is from 1864. Breathtaking (n.) "act of taking breaths or a breath" is from 1620s. Related: Breathtakingly.


a. 1 stunningly beautiful; amazing 2 Very surprising or shocking; to such a degree as to cause astonishment.


adj. tending to cause suspension of regular breathing; "a breathless flight"; "breathtaking adventure" [syn: breathless]

Usage examples of "breathtaking".

He wanted to show her the house he was building on Anguilla, toohis first house, one that was being built amid a grove of palm trees on a gorgeous stretch of pristine beach with a breathtaking view of the water.

Although she enjoyed the scenery to the south, that breathtaking panorama in which forest segued to desert canyon land and the horizon was so far away that you could see the curve of the earth, in truth she preferred the view to the north, and it was when she was walking up the bill, facing the heavily wooded plateau directly behind Bonita Vista, that she felt most at home, that she felt a part of this place.

Forget that he was breathtaking in his official iridescent uniform, that the lights reflecting off his hair highlighted rich caroba and sunshine hues.

This woman had been a veritable Chaucerian figure, taking on and discarding husbands with breathtaking rapidity, always trading up, until she was able to write the will that made Lois heir to three million.

After all the nonsense that was reported about the Elian Gonzalez case, the truth is breathtaking.

Then, as he and Arlen thundered downhill at breathtaking speed, the two Firbolgs before them stopped, and each grabbed a rock the size of a large melon.

In that moment of looking up to see the face of a friend, as if for the first time, or that moment of standing motionless at a breathtaking sunset or holding a sleeping infant, we fleetingly glimpse something of the full-statured stillness that eternally pervades the fleetingness of all things.

British writer Melanie Phillips, no conservative, sees in such casual assertions a breathtaking illiberalism and inversion of traditional values.

Remind your duke -- he already knows this -- that I, too, have resources that are breathtaking, resources that he cannot even imagine.

The trail maintainers in Maine have a certain hale devotion to seeking out the rockiest climbs and most forbidding slopes, and of these Maine has a breathtaking plenitude.

This is a stupid film, filled with breathtaking adolescent electronic and computer technique, all in service of a story created by semiliterate children at recess time, children who cannot sit still long enough in class to learn anything.

All told, being with him was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to her The mountain they hiked was lushly green, with clear streams, sweet bird songs and breathtaking vistas making it a heady climb from the trailhead on up.

As they drew steadily nearer, these uneven outlines resolved themselves into a breathtaking vista of amethystine spires, weblike walkways, lofty buttresses, and soaring crenellated structures that sparkled like crystal in glorious lavender sunshine.

New York Times bestselling author Samantha James weaves unforgettable tales of romance and enchantment-following bold and reckless hearts to the breathtaking places where the truest love must ultimately lead.

Deathstalker and his friend Kit Summerlsle, called by some Kid Death, raced their modified flyers in and out of the trees, sweeping this way and that at breathtaking speed, and whooping wildly as they went.