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breaks loose

vb. (en-third-person singularbreak loose)

Usage examples of "breaks loose".

Him's about halfway down the pier when all hell breaks loose on shore, in front of the Spectrum 2000.

Then up to the Yalu River and down the east coast to Hungnam, where all hell breaks loose.

The housekeeper's little skivvy, that she keeps to fetch, carry and lick boot, just topping the tea-cup up with old Jamaica, all hell breaks loose below stairs as if a Chinese orchestra started up its woodblocks and xylophones, crash, wallop.

Then--as is sometimes said in Earthling tales--All Hell Breaks Loose.

The dog becomes restless, sniffs in the direction of the picture, suddenly breaks loose, stands whimpering in front of the picture, gets up on his hind legs, and begins to lick Hitler's colored face.

The Singer sewing machine, which we've tied to the back with a rope, breaks loose and, because it's on these little metal wheels, it goes sliding across the end of the Diamond T and slams into the opposite side.

But when things speed up, or the problems cease to be routine, chaos often breaks loose.

While she keeps him back from the hunt with her attempted love-making, his stallion spies a mare and breaks loose.