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n. (plural of brazier English)

Usage examples of "braziers".

It seemed that he had not been warm in months, and the glowing braziers shimmered out a welcome heat.

It was a long, narrow room where chairs and padded benches sat in little clusters around braziers filled with glowing coals.

The great chill of masses of cold stone and iron was held off by large, glowing braziers set in each corner.

Yarblek had brought a number of rolled-up rugs with him and several iron braziers, and these contributions to their headquarters added certain garish, even barbaric, touches to the interior of the tent.

Garion asked, looking around as they all seated themselves around the glowing braziers.

Polgara assured him, sitting near one of the braziers with a cup of tea.

The interior of the pavilion was heated by charcoal braziers and filled with the golden glow of hanging oil lamps.

An icy, stinking wind seemed to howl through the room, and the candles and glowing braziers sank even lower until the room was scarcely lit "Begone!

The candles went out, and all light ceased to glow out of the braziers.

Sputtering braziers stood at the end of each altar, sending twin columns of black smoke up into the drizzle.

Darmouth's keep stood out upon the lake, its tower braziers casting burning reflections upon the water.

With her elven night sight, she could see clearly and did not need the orange light of the tower braziers.

The braziers' light didn't reach far enough to illuminate them, and they remained black pockets of darkness.

Firelight from massive braziers atop the towers reflected across the water.

Bare skulls leered within shadowy stone cubbies where the light of burning braziers around the room couldn't fully penetrate.